Sunday, 29 September 2013

Growing Up is a No-No

Most of the people in my generation or those after us would say this one particular line, "I want to grow up already and be an adult!" They'd say that they're tired of their current life and they'd love it if they can just go away and be done with it. They'd say they wanted to leave and decide for themselves and be a responsible and mature adult.
Really? Yeah, right.
Because I don't. If I can just stop time and go back, I would. I'm okay with being 18 forever. It's not about the wrinkle-free face or the youth or the energy. But about the MOMENT.
You see, I have three older brothers and as we grow old, my chances of actually seeing them is growing thin. Like a thread. Sometimes, I only get a glimpse of their faces when they're sleeping and at times, I'd get to see them on Sundays whenever we go out for our usual "Family Day".
I know for a fact that as time goes by, our paths would separate in different ways. There will be a time when all of my brothers have families of their own, or even go abroad to work, or live in a far place. They'll all be that mature type of person to just work and work and work for the good of their family.
I'd miss a lot of the good ole days. Like when we used to play wrestling together, or laugh about corny and not-so-funny jokes. I'll miss every breakfast, lunch, and dinner with them. I'd miss every moment (and even the fights).

So people, please, don't be hasty. Don't wish for time to pass by fast. Enjoy the moment with your family. Because when you grow up, you'll have a family of your own and won't be able to put much attention to your first family as much as before.

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